Friday, February 18, 2011

The Sun & the Moon
I love the beauties of nature!

I captured these photos of the sunrise the day after our 2nd huge
snow storm pummeled us with nearly 2 ft. of snow last week.
I am grateful to say that the snow has all melted away now. :)

 As I played with the kids in the backyard last night after dinner in the
beautiful 66 deg. weather, I noticed the full moon rising so bright
in the night sky.

And this is what I captured on "Night Shot" setting
with "Macro Zoom" on.

I can hardly believe the detail & color that shows up
at about 239 hundred thousand miles away!

 Keep on rising & shining Sun & Moon!
Because I love capturing your beauty.

1 comment:

Chelsey Howard said...

Those are amazing pictures. I always look at the sky and all the colors and think its so beautiful!