Friday, August 28, 2009

Family Pics @ 35 1/2 wks.

We figured we'd better get these pics in before we loose
the opportunity to do so.
So yesterday we went out driving to find some great
AR. backdrops, which is not hard to do around here since
you don't have to look very far.
We had fun & Cole was great for all the pics!
Jace took most of the shots. He's a great
photographer, don't ya think?!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Count Down Is On Baby!!

Anytime now! We are almost 35 1/2 wks. & just
holding our breathe!
We found out at our Dr. appt. yesterday
that I'm almost dilated to a 4 & baby
A's head is down very low.
So things should move along pretty quick
once we get going - yea!
Baby A weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. & Baby B weighs
5 lbs. 5 oz. So they are looken good right now.
I'm slowing waaay down, but still doing pretty darn good
considering all, except my poor ugly kankles that just keep
on growing & growing. Not fun. They're pretty uncomfortable to
say the least. I didn't get any swelling at all with Cole, but our Dr.
says its a lot more common for that to happen with twins.
Everything checks out pretty good with me & the babies, but because
my doctor is a bit concerned about my excessively swollen
feet, he said, Ok. which day next week would you like
to be induced? We liked Sept. 1st since that would be an easy day to
remember, but if we
haven't gone into labor on our own by this coming Monday (which would
almost be surprising according to our Dr. & Jace),
then I'll go in to have the membranes striped that day to get labor jump
started with in a matter of hours hopefully.
So, the latest these boys will make their arrival is next Tues.
Sept. 1st!
Wish us luck!
And prayers are always welcomed too! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2nd Chance Dance

Cole Loves grooven out to this part of the Veggie Tales movie
"Jonah" when he's in the whale. He says, " I want to dance!"
He sure makes us laugh & smile!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 Months


32 Weeks

Less than 6 wks left to go maximum! We just saw my doctor
yesterday & told us that it's very common for twins
to come at 36 weeks. So, wow! Less than 4 wks possibly!
We are def. on the count down!
My doctor says everything looks great & I'm measuring
@ 38 wks which is considered full term for one baby.
From this point on I will see the doctor once a wk. were
they hook me up to fetal monitors for stress testing on the
babies & for contractions to make sure the babies
are still active & well.
Each twin now weighs about 4 lbs. & will easily
gain another in the next 2 weeks.
That's a lot of baby in there!
So, I'm def. feel'n it now!
I'm still so blessed to be able to do & get done what
I am doing, but I now get extremely tired pretty quick,
don't sleep well at night, have kankles from water retention
(so ugly!), & everything is either sore, tight, or popping out of place.
And I'm very rapidly growing out of everything!
But! other than that, I'm doing great considering all!
I'm just so grateful I'm not on bed rest at all!
(I do have to take a nap or rest everyday now though,
but it feels great to do so!)
Lots to do & so little time left!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Backyard Critters . . .

Some are so cute & cuddly looking . . .

And some not so much at ALL!!That thing did not want to die! Kinda scary when a snake
starts striking at you!
It took Jace & I, 2 shovels, & many stabs at it to get the
job done! We did not want that thing coming back around!
Jace did the hard part (good job babe!) & I held the sucker down
with the shovel.
That snake was almost 4 ft. long!
We now have snake repellent in our yard!

And some are just harmless & funny looken!

We also had a little turtle pass by the other day too, on our
way out to church. Cole sure loved him, but I don't think
the turtle did since he just covered up & hissed at him (which I didn't know turtles do).

We sure get quite the variety out here! and we love it! - Most of the time! :)