Cole Words . . .
On the Left - The real word = On the Right - How Cole says it
I love toddler words, their too funny!
These are too cute not to write down before he doesn't talk this way anymore.
On the Left - The real word = On the Right - How Cole says it
I love toddler words, their too funny!
These are too cute not to write down before he doesn't talk this way anymore.
Fish = ish
Shark = whale, whale
Any large fish = whale, whale
Whale = whale
Finding Nemo = Dory
Bath = bat
Cheese = eese
Please = pees
Peas = eese
(as you can imagine, these three are hard)
Thank You = tayt tou
More = mo or ma
Mom/Mama = mama
(More and Mom are the same... just can't get enough of Mom!)
Dad = Da (sometimes Dat)
Yes = no (will sign yes correctly though)
no = no
Truck = carck
Meow = ow, ow
Candy = dee
Banana = nana
Bubble = bubboo
All done = done, done
Shark = whale, whale
Any large fish = whale, whale
Whale = whale
Finding Nemo = Dory
Bath = bat
Cheese = eese
Please = pees
Peas = eese
(as you can imagine, these three are hard)
Thank You = tayt tou
More = mo or ma
Mom/Mama = mama
(More and Mom are the same... just can't get enough of Mom!)
Dad = Da (sometimes Dat)
Yes = no (will sign yes correctly though)
no = no
Truck = carck
Meow = ow, ow
Candy = dee
Banana = nana
Bubble = bubboo
All done = done, done
I'm sure there are more he says in funny ways, but there are plenty that he does say right & adds to his vocabulary daily. Even though he doesn't talk a ton, he understands everything we say to him & is a little smarty pants at figuring
out how things work quickly.
We love our cute little Coco who is growing up so fast!
out how things work quickly.
We love our cute little Coco who is growing up so fast!
CUTE! Thanks for sharing :)
♥ HUGS ♥
So cute!!!
Well,I have to gratulate first for the twins. I am so excited too!
I can not tell how happy I was when I read your little story!
I wanted to call you up right away, but then I realized that I don't know your number and stuff!
It is crazzy!!!!! We are so happy for you.
Cole is getting so big, he is a big boy now. Berlyn started to say a few words too, but she mostly says hungarian words. I am so surpirsed that she talks kind of early.
Ok, I better go, i am still in shocked! We love you, say hi to Jace for us!
good idea to write em down. I wish i did more of that.
Cute, I love how little kids talk and that only there moms can understand what they are asking for:) So sweet:)
I love all the new words! This is such a fun stage. David is climbing out of his bed now though... think I could skip that one.
My favorite is bubble! That is so cute!! I love watching little kids language develop
Hi stranger! This is Stephanie Bodhaine Deaver... It's been a few years! I got your blog from Breck cause we are friends on facebook. Your page is so cute and your family is adorable! How far is Arkansas from Texas cause that's where my husband and I live now? Anyway, I don't have a blog so you should write me back at! I'd love to get back in touch!
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