Monday, September 21, 2009

The New Additions . . .

Welcome to our Family baby Merrill & baby Grant!!

Arrived: August 31st, 2009
@ 9:29 & 9:33 AM
Both Naturally.

Merrill Justin Stapley
5 lbs. 7 oz.
18 in.


Grant Delbert Stapley
4 lbs. 10 oz.
17 in.

So much to tell & so very, very little time!

With Grant out of the NICU now, things are
crazier & busier in a different way from before he came home.

Double the feedings, burpings, diapers, bathes, changes of clothes
& so on & so on, & so forth!

The days are filled to the brim with caring for these little
twinners & Mr. Cole.

They are good babies! So far, no collic or reflux
from either of them. Thank heavens!

Merrill on the left & Grant on the right.
They don't look exactly the same so
that makes it so much easier to tell them

More to come later!
That's all for the moment!